Tuesday, March 13, 2012

SF American

I finally made it on California whitewater.  May I say.... HOLY SCNIKEES, BATMAN.  Snowmelt is freakin' cold.   The South Fork of the American reminds me of Slippery Rock, but much, much colder.  Boo and Millard are from Lexington, KY.  They retired, sold everything, bought an RV and headed west.  

The three of us boated Coloma to Greenwood which was a pleasant start to the day.  The take-out for this section is Boo and Millard's front yard.  Boo and Millard decided to take out, but not before hooking me up with a crew running the Gorge section.  Thankfully, there was room in a oar-rig raft.  I gladly hopped in.  The Gorge section was a lot of cold fun.  It reminded me of the Miracle Mile on Slippery Rock.  Pretty, narrow, pool drop.  

Satan's Cesspool

It was a great day.  I'm looking forward to more boating.  I will definitely wear more clothes and put heater packs in my booties and mitts.  Dang!  it was cold.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kayaks and Farmers Market

This weekend was my first California kayak experience.  Did the Feather and thankfully, never have to do it again.  Flat is truly a four-letter word.  On the positive side, I met new boating buddies who happen to be from Lexington, KY and full-time RVers!  No pics from this little expedition.  For some reason....waterproof cameras meet an early death in my world.  

On Sunday, I was supposed to meet the new boating buddies to run some white water, but I was too crippled from the flat water.  Instead, I managed to do a little shopping and cleaning.  One of the awesome things about NorCal is farming.  Lots of orchards (every conceivable nut and fruit) and produce.  I headed down to the year-round farmers market and absolutely overdosed on farm-fresh goods.  Today's bounty:

another awkward view - new lens and I haven't learned to work with the distortion.

definitely not a food stylist, but the rewards from the farmers market include a strawberry margarita and a portabella pizza - yum!

Trish and Thomas

Thomas loves to love annoy Trish