Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Labor Day silliness

Labor Day with the OAC is always entertaining.  The adventure is not limited to boating.  Here, JoeH rocks a unicycle:

Saturday brought the kids trip.  No pictures.  My Shredder looked liked ants were swarming over it when the Lundy kids abandoned their sweet mama and the raft.

On Sunday, I had a strong crew in a raft.  One of the raft crew was particularly recalcitrant and refused to cooperate with the rock splat.  On the next raft trip, SteveF may regret the decision to mutiny!

The rock splat was somewhat successful, that splash is JennaD goin' in the drink:

Funny Jenna story... if you check the pics at:  http://www.leisuresportsphoto.com/mp_client/pictures.asp?pagenum=204&action=viewphotos&size=fullsize&id=7994493&imagename=IMG_6759t.jpg

you will see that she is smiling directly at the camera in EVERY pic.  My last comment to the crew was:  "Look at the camera and smile".  Jenna took me seriously!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Coopers Rock Overlook

My campground borders the WVU Research Forest and Coopers Rock Overlook.  After work, the dogs and I walk 1/2 mile down to an overgrown WVU archery range.  The dogs do a little bit of mousing:

After mousing, we head back to the campground and pick up the pick-up.  Coopers Rock overlook is about 4 miles across the interstate.  On this trip, a really nice couple took some pics.  This is an art installation in the park - no, not me and the hounds, then giant behind us:  

The overlook is an easy 300 foot walk from the parking lot and you can see for miles and miles.  View to the right:

 View to the left:

Stunning, a little crooked - the overlook is very sloped.   And totally recommended if you are ever at Exit 14 off I-68.

I love West Virginia.